A physical exam provides you with tangible information about your health that you can use to improve it. At Independent Medical Group in Pahrump, Nevada, Michael Reiner, MD, offers annual physical exams, school exams, sports exams, and employment exams. To book your next comprehensive physical exam, call Independent Medical Group today.
A physical exam provides an overview of your state of health. During a physical exam, an experienced provider performs minor tests and takes measurements to gather details about how your body functions.
If you get physical exams annually, you can track the changes in your body’s functioning over time. During any given physical exam, your provider can identify unusual changes or occurrences that might call for further testing. In some cases, they can make a diagnosis immediately and start treatment for a condition affecting you.
Since you don’t have to wait until symptoms show up to identify issues during a physical exam, you can begin treatment when your condition is in its earliest stages. Doing so often results in better treatment outcomes.
All physical exams include many of the same components that apply to everyone and a few that vary based on age, sex, risk factors, and the purpose of the exam. Usually, the first step when you arrive for your appointment is a brief discussion or update to your medical history. Then, the assessment begins. A general physical exam at Independent Medical Group might involve:
A men’s exam might also include an examination of your genitals, a prostate exam, and other male-specific components. Women’s annual exams are vital and typically include a pelvic exam, breast exam, and a Pap smear, which is a cervical cancer screening test.
Beyond the standard annual physical exams, there are a few other purposes for getting physical examinations at Independent Medical Group. Certain employers and organizations may request physical exam results to make sure you’re healthy and capable of performing necessary tasks. You might need:
Employment physicals can prove to your employer or workplace that you can perform your job duties without harming yourself or those around you.
Schools often require physical exams for enrollment. The results of your school physical show that you or your child is developing at a normal rate for their age, have updated immunizations, and aren’t a danger to the health of other students.
Sports physicals show that you’re physically healthy enough to participate in your sport or physical activity of choice. You can get a sports physical to participate in a sports organization, school sports, or peace of mind if you’re physically active.
The results of your physical exam can provide you with answers to your questions about your health. Call Independent Medical Group or book an appointment online for a physical exam today.